The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 specifically requires that employees, who are convicted of drug use, possession or sale, notify their employer within five days after the occurrence of the conviction. This act requires that the College, in turn, notify any Federal contracting or granting agency within ten days after learning of the conviction. Sarah Lawrence College requires that employees who have been convicted of drug use, possession or sale satisfactorily complete a drug abuse rehabilitation program, at their own expense, in order to continue their employment at the College. Failure to fulfill these requirements — on the part of the College — could lead to suspension, termination or debarment from future Federal grants and contracts. Medical insurance claims for drug abuse rehabilitation programs will be in accordance with the plan in which the employee is enrolled. This policy signals the intention of Sarah Lawrence College to support its employees, who may be suffering from substance abuse and related problems, in their efforts to get help and gain recovery from those problems.