If you have problems with or questions about your computer, software, network connection, etc. please fill out our contact form.
If needed, you can also call the Help Desk at (914) 395-2460.
Please use these methods rather than contacting any individual Help Desk staff member. The Help Desk centralizes our response system so we can diagnose larger scale problems quickly. Additionally, you’ll help us avoid duplicating someone else’s work. Thank you!
The Sarah Lawrence College Help Desk is the point of contact for students, faculty and staff requiring assistance or information on computer issues for hardware and software supported and purchased by the College.
The Help Desk is:
Jesus AyalaHelp Desk Manager
Ranflin ("Flin") EstrellaIT Desk Telecommunications Specialist
Alan HernandezHelp Desk Technician
Please use this form to request assistance from or give feedback to the Help Desk.
Alternatively, you can email us at hd (at) slc (dot) edu or call us at 914.395.2460.
First Name:
Last Name:
SLC ID Number:
Are you requesting a password reset or have you lost access to your SLC email account?
Alternate (non-SLC) email:
Please be as detailed and specific as possible.