• Exempt employees
    • Monthly:
      • Administrative (exempt) employees are paid on the last working day of each month. This paycheck covers the month just worked.


  • Non-exempt employees
    • Biweekly:
      • Full-time and regular, part-time staff members (non-exempt) are paid biweekly, every other Friday, over the course of 26 pay periods in a twelve month  period. Biweekly paychecks reflect the two prior work weeks, and distributed one week after the weeks worked. For example, a biweekly pay check distributed on Friday the 20th, reflects the weeks worked from the second of the month through the fifteenth of the month.


    • Weekly:
      • Facilities and Public Safety staff members, temporary, and casual part-time employees are paid weekly on Fridays. Weekly paychecks are distributed one week after the week worked; for example, a weekly paycheck distributed on Friday the 14th reflects the week worked from the first of the month through the seventh of the month.


For all of these pay schedules, if a payday falls on a holiday or weekend, paychecks will be distributed on the preceding working day.

  • Payroll Forms

    To authorize direct deposit of your paycheck, please fill out this authorization form, attach a voided check (for deposits to a checking account), or a bank letter, and return the form to Human Resources (Andrews Annex).

    Direct Deposit form (new).pdf
    Staff Weekly Time Sheet.pdf
    Staff Biweekly Time Sheet.pdf
    Employee BW Pay Schedule 2025.pdf
    Student Pay Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
    Employee Weekly Pay Schedule 2025.pdf
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While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.

Federal law requires that all non-exempt employees complete time sheets showing the actual number of hours worked. These time sheets must be signed by your Department Head and submitted to the Payroll Office. Weekly and biweekly time sheets must be submitted to the Payroll Office by Monday following the week(s) just worked, for paychecks to be issued on that Friday. Each employee is responsible for seeing that his or her properly completed and approved time sheet is submitted to the Payroll Office.

In recording their hours worked, each non-exempt employee must record accurately the time they begin and end their work, as well as the beginning and ending times of each meal break they take and any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons. If an employee performs work before arriving to, or after leaving, the College’s premises for the day, then it is the employee’s responsibility to also report that time as hours worked so that they may be paid for the time.

Altering, falsifying, or tampering with timekeeping records, recording on your timecard hours not worked, working hours not recorded on your time card (i.e., working “off the clock”), or having someone else record your time or recording another employee’s time are all serious violations of College policy which may result in disciplinary action.

The College is required by law to deduct applicable Federal, State and local income taxes from each salary check. The amount withheld is based on gross salary and the number of exemptions claimed on your W-4 (Withholding Tax Form). The College is also required by law to deduct your contribution toward Social Security and Medicare benefits.

  • Taxation of Benefits
    The Internal Revenue Code may require that certain employee benefits be taxed as normal income. Taxable benefits may include group insurance and education benefits. Employees should be aware that the tax laws are subject to change. The Human Resources Office will attempt to notify employees of changes as they occur. Taxable benefits will be reported on the "W-2" forms sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the employee at the end of each year.
  • Additional Deductions
    Depending on the benefits you have elected, your check may reflect additional deductions. It is important to examine each salary check to be sure that the proper deductions have been made.