Dear Student and Parents:

A very cordial welcome–or welcome back–to Sarah Lawrence! This letter contains important information about your financial obligations to the College while you are enrolled as a student during the academic year.

Please read the Checklist and Instructions for Making Payment below, which will guide you through each step of this process. As you follow the checklist, you will review each billing entry on your Statement of Account for the semester. You may decide to select or refuse various optional services, the Health Insurance Program, or Tuition Refund Insurance. To do so you must complete the required waivers prior to the payment due date on your billing statement.

The College must receive payment in full for the semester (or the amount required by your Monthly Payment Plan) by July 15, 2024 for the Fall 2024 semester and by December 20, 2024 for the Spring 2025 semester.

Please note that you will not be allowed to register until all financial obligations to the College have been met.  If you have requested college provided housing and we do not receive your payment by the due date we will be required to cancel your room or guarantee of housing and you will forfeit your housing deposit.

Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Office of Student Accounts.

A statement of the College’s refund policies can be found here, and also appears in the College catalog.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 914-395-2550. For financial aid inquiries, please call the Financial Aid Office at 914-395-2570.

  1. Please be sure to review your Statement of Account for accuracyStatements are sent electronically to the Sarah Lawrence College email account.  
  2.  Health Insurance. Please review the information detailing the Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Program being offered to Sarah Lawrence students. This coverage is required unless you have equivalent insurance and assume full responsibility for all medical costs.

    You may decline the Health Insurance Program only by completing the Health Insurance waiver form by December 20, 2024 (new Spring students only). If you do not complete the waiver form, your account will be charged for the insurance.
  3. Tuition Refund Insurance. Please review the information detailing the Tuition Refund Insurance Plan being offered as an option to Sarah Lawrence students by A.W.G. Dewar, Inc. This plan provides for the refund of up to 70% of your tuition, room, board and fees (less any refund or credit due to you from the College) if you withdraw completely because of personal illness or injury. Sarah Lawrence College grants and scholarships are credited back to the college.

    You may decline the Tuition Refund Insurance only by completing the online Tuition Refund Insurance waiver form by December 20, 2024 (new Spring students only). If you do not complete the waiver form, your account will be charged for the insurance.
  4. Meal Plan. Please review the Meal Plan information that describes the various meal plans offered to SLC students. Resident first years are required to take Meal Plan A, B, or C for the entire academic year.

    Any Meal Plan change after the beginning of the semester may be subject to other penalties depending on the date of the change.
  5. Other Adjustments. If you have any financial aid credits (grants or loans) that are not included on your Statement of Account please confirm your awards with the Financial Aid department.   Confirmation is considered to be the receipt of an Award Letter. Your award letter is available on the MySLC portal.

    Please be aware that if any modifying financial information about you is received, the amount of financial aid you are eligible for could increase or decrease.

    Work-Study will not be credited to your student account through financial aid or any other form of advance payment.

    If you have applied for financial aid and no financial aid credit appears on your Statement of Account, your financial aid file is most likely incomplete. Your application cannot be processed and/or awards granted until the completion of all required documents. If this is your situation, please visit your application portal/financial aid checklist to complete and submit missing requirements.  Since our financial aid funds are limited, awards may not be available to late applicants.

    Federal Direct Student Loan borrowers,  please note that the bank will charge an origination/insurance fee to be subtracted from your loan proceeds before they are received by Sarah Lawrence College.  
  6. Monthly Payment Plan. You may sign up for payment plans each semester through Nelnet. Plans are made for the total amount due each term and have an enrollment fee of $55.
  7. Complete and sign the Terms of Payment Policy.
  8. Complete and sign the Information Release Consent Form
  9. Make payment to the College in the Amount Due.

    Students and parents may make payments from a checking, savings, or credit card account online. Your student account will be updated two working days after the date of your payment.

    If you choose not to make an online payment, you may write a check payable to Sarah Lawrence College. Please write your ID number on the check to ensure that payment is posted to the proper account. A fee of $30 will be charged for any check returned by the bank for insufficient funds.

    Payment may also be made by wire transfer. If you make payment by wiring funds, please email or fax us a copy of the statement indicating the date and amount of the wire transfer. If by mail, send directly to the Student Accounts Office, Sarah Lawrence College, One Mead Way, Bronxville, New York 10708. If by fax, send to the Student Accounts Office at 914-395-2669.