
Peer Counseling Program

The Peer Counseling Program is currently recruiting for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The Sarah Lawrence College Peer Counseling Program is a NEW volunteer opportunity to create meaningful spaces for connection and support within the SLC Community. PCs will be trained and supported by the Counseling Center and are not a substitute for professional therapists.

Participation requires an application, acceptance and participation in a comprehensive multi-day training provided by SLC's Health and Wellness Center as well as ongoing training throughout the academic year. The Peer Counseling Program will provide an option for students to access support from trained peers. They will provide a space where students may be more comfortable talking about issues like relationships, loneliness, and managing stress. PCs will listen, support and provide resources on topics related to everyday aspects of the student experience. Students who are in need of clinical services or are in crisis will be referred to the appropriate resources.

The training will occur over the course of a few days in late August. If selected, this would necessitate an early return to campus.

Interested parties need to attend these sessions in order to participate in the PC program. Once training is complete and you have successfully demonstrated competency on PCs skills and boundaries, you will be expected to make a one-year commitment, meet for weekly group supervision, and staff office hours: Sundays 4-6pm and Wednesdays 4-6pm.

Peer Counselors (PC) Requirements:

Application with one professional/non-family reference

In-person interview

1 year commitment

Attend multi-day training

Pass the PC "skills and boundaries" evaluation

Attend weekly PC supervision meetings

Remain in good academic standing at the College


Training Sessions (attendance required):

2 days late August TBD in-person- Requires early move in


Application deadline is April 24th, 2024:

After reviewing the expectations and requirements, interested students who wish to apply to the Peer Counseling Program must complete the application (link is below) and submit it to  Dr. Ayesha Nagra (  by April 24th 2024 at 5 p.m. for a limited number of positions. Please note in the subject line: Application for PC Program.

You will be informed of the outcome of your application by May 10th .

Click Here for Application