Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Exploitation for Faculty and Staff
Sarah Lawrence College is an intellectual community founded on mutual respect and is committed to providing a living, learning, and working environment that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. Sarah Lawrence College prohibits the offenses of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.
Such offenses can impair or limit the educational and occupational opportunities of any person at Sarah Lawrence and have no place in this community. The applicable policy is the Policy on Sexual Violence (the “Policy”), which can be found within the Student Handbook. The Policy applies to all Sarah Lawrence students, both undergraduate and graduate, regardless of where the incident(s) occurred. The Policy also applies to Sarah Lawrence College employees (faculty, staff, and third-parties serving the campus or involved with College-related activities). The Policy defines unacceptable behavior, identifies resources for persons who have experienced a policy violation, and describes the College’s prevention and education efforts. The procedures for alleged policy violations can be found in the Student Handbook here (for violations allegedly committed by students or where a student is the complainant) and on MySLC here (for violations allegedly committed by faculty, staff, and third-parties serving under contract). As is stated in the procedures, in all instances the College in its sole discretion retains the right to designate the applicable process in particular cases, and will inform the parties accordingly.
Sexual offenses are prohibited under New York State and federal laws and may be prosecuted in the criminal justice system. Legal definitions may vary from definitions used by the Sarah Lawrence community as outlined in the Policy. Pursuing a campus resolution does not preclude one from pursuing legal action or seeking the assistance of law enforcement authorities immediately or in the future; similarly, the pursuit of legal action and/or reporting the conduct to the police does not preclude pursuit of a campus resolution under the Policy and the corresponding procedures. Please see the Appendix in the Student Handbook for a list of relevant local, state, and federal laws.
Anyone can experience sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking, and/or sexual exploitation regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Perpetrators also can be anyone: a stranger, someone you have known for a long time, or someone you have just met. For additional information on support and resources, visit my.slc.edu/safe and/or contact the Title IX Coordinator, Kristin N. Collado, Esq., at kcollado@sarahlawrence.edu.