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Youtube: The Bigger Picture

{Warning: Long Blog Post, but absolutely necessary for the back ground of my project}: While looking at various beauty bloggers, or 'Beauty Gurus,' I decided to take a larger look at the Youtube business-partnership model. As such, while researching for this project, I came across a site called:, which is a Youtube certified site that collects all the information and data, in order to help build brands and individual platforms. Thus, it was a a perfect site for gaining insight on the selective group of the 'Beauty Community.' 

"YouTube's Radical Transformation of the Beauty Industry"

From this site, one can request different reports and data, which is collected by Moreover, from this data, I was able to track down quantitative information, concerning the average views of these videos, number of subscribers, as well as the number of actual beauty bloggers, who are regular You tubers. What I found most fascinating about this study was the fact, that 2.1 million people are subscribed to the top 15 beauty bloggers, as well as  14.9 billion beauty guru video views. As you can see from the image, the Beauty Guru community is incredibly vast and is expanding at a rapid rate. The fact that there is an entire website devoted to the growing marketing insights of the Youtube market shows exactly how influential this forum has become. 

Based on their history, Youtube has always had the potential to become a profitable business. The company was started by three friends- Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, who all had  worked originally for Pay Pal. Their development of this social media platform was created, as a direct product of personal video-sharing, media, and contemporary culture (i.e. "the Janet Jackson scandal in 2004). As such, the company had an easy pick up (65,000 videos in 2006). By then, Google decided to buy Youtube for $1.65 billion.From a personal perspective, I remember the frustration of Google's change in the company. Google wanted to change the entire channel name system, instead of a standard 'username,' as well as converting all accounts to the Google Plus system. However, currently, Google is still the #1 search engine and thus, so is Youtube. As according to Pixability, Google has certainly helped to create ad-revenue and establish a greater community and business amongst Youtubers. It is fascinating how a small, personal project expanded into a global internet site, which has become the prime location for all Internet requests. I know that when ever I hear about any news special or awards show, the first search result, of which I encounter, will come up as YouTube. I think that Google's involvement with the company has expanded on a more commercial level. Although it is tiring to keep watching Youtube ads on a handful of videos, Google has managed to create a profitable business, and yet, still has maintained the same personal factor, of which it was founded upon. 

Looking at the partnership page, there is a lot of criteria, which goes into monetizing, as well as establishing a profitable, 'verified' Youtube channel. According to the various Gurus, of whom I have watched, like Zoella, Google, or Youtube company contacts different subscribers, who have reached a specific limit of channel views. After that, they are compensated for reaching a high threshold of viewership and subscribers (a smart marketing and targeting move  on Youtube/Google's part). Looking more into Youtube's partnership/monetization program, the verification process is easily accessible through your personal channel. From that process, the subscriber can access branding options, unlimited video uploads, as well as other features, which allow You Tubers the opportunity to interact and gain followers (see chart to the right). Here is the link to Beauty Guru/vlogger Zoella and her first Youtube Business interaction: ZOELLA. Moreover, when a subscriber hits 1,000,000 subscribers, they are recognized and awarded by Google (See famous Beauty Guru: Kandee Johnson). Thus, this shows Google/Youtube's true care and relationship for their followers and partners. As well, Google has even provided You tubers with an actual 'personal studio,' or "Youtube Space," where they can make their videos in a professional setting. They have built three, high tech studios in L.A., London, and Tokyo. Thus, Google and Youtube have definitely taken the initiative to continue to expand their platform for 'amateur video makers' and have given You tubers the option to make connections and take their 'careers' to the next level. 


Since Youtube's start up, the company has made a complete transformation from its original founding. It has branched out into media, sponsored different events, such as- Youtube Comedy Week, the Youtube Music Awards, as well the actual awards for regular videos, which was started around 2008 (original, famous Youtube musician Bo Burnham performed). It's become a great platforms for young professionals (comedians, musicians, actors, and other creative users). It has grown into different markets, yet still has maintained its quirky nature, which has made 'video sharing and makers' so 'cool' and popular. It provides Internet users with a new outlet for self-expression and a chance to make your voice heard for that '5 minutes of fame.' Although there is probably a slim probability, that you will become 'famous' from your videos, Youtube is so much more than that. It is a community of like-minded individuals, who are pursuing their personal interests, and (maybe) don't really know what their next step yet. Not to make this post seem anymore cheesier than it already is, but Youtube has definitely made a strong impact in the marketing, advertising, and social media world. It connects people, users and non users, on a global scale, as well as provokes an online dialogue, which filters through other social media sites (twitter, facebook etc.), as well as through our daily conversations. It definitely is a notable online platform and case study, which covers a diverse group of individuals, who all have a voice, of which they need to express. 


PS: When I worked at the Yale University Center for Customer Insights two years ago, I got to see a lecture of  Google CMO, Claire Johnson, who  spoke about the affects of Youtube and how Google has created this 'individualistic' platform for its users and its audiences: (Interview here: Sorry, there was video of the lecture posted on YCCI's website, but it does not seem to be there any more :( ). 

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#1 POSTED BY guest guest, 12/21 6:08 PM

It's interesting, thanks!

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