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What is this blog about? Oh. The Possibilities...

For my conference/blog project, I have decided to explore a different side of the beauty/fashion blogger industry. Over this past year, I have become fascinated with the growing influence of ‘beauty guru’ bloggers, who make up a substantial portion of YouTube’s market. In comparison with other bloggers, ‘beauty gurus’ represent the true medium between both the public and private spheres of the social media world. Their growing influences have created a new ‘niche’ within the fashion industry, which has affected and connected millions of people on a global scale, who have also begun to start their own YouTube channels, in order to achieve the same affect, as their predecessors. Beauty gurus are able to establish their own personal brands and professions through various forms of social media. They stay connected with their audiences via video, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs (etc.). Through these outlets, these bloggers are able to expand their statuses and platforms, far greater than any other blogger on the Internet. They symbolize both a ‘role model,’ and ‘marketing symbol’ for both the general public and other larger corporations. In addition, because of their following and social networking skills, they are able to take part in big-scale events, such as a Fashion Week and provide live-feed updates for their followers. Recently, the reality show, Project Runway, featured a handful of ‘gurus’ on their show, in order to create a design, which would predict the newest trend for 2014. Large companies, specifically makeup companies, have started their own YouTube channels, in order to add another outlet to their platforms. Through these larger outlets, many beauty bloggers have established sponsorships and created their own fashion, makeup, and other lifestyle brands. However, the key to their success lies in their personal styles and authentic voices. Despite all of their success, YouTube allows all of these beauty gurus to distinguish themselves from the massive bloggers within the fashion industry. Their individual voices are an important factor, concerning their achievements. Therefore, for my conference project, I would like to write about the effectiveness of their methods of social media and how they form their own social identities. Ideally, it would be really cool to get an interview with one of them (via email ?) and get their personal opinions on this important subject. Since I have such a personal interest in both fashion, marketing, as well as with these 'beauty gurus,' I think this would be a fascinating topic to explore. Moreover, it combines all the issues of 'cyber-celebrity,' fashion, marketing, and personal blogging/connection with Internet users. 


Project Runway Article

Here are just some of the 'beauty gurus' or bloggers, who I am interested in looking at. All of them either have fashion and beauty lines, or have started their own companies. However, they all started from YouTube or from their own personal blogs. Hopefully, this list will keep expanding. (Click on the link if you want to view their pages). 

Chrisselle Lim

Michelle Phan






Kandee Johnson

Lisa Eldridge


Kayla LaShae (akaydoll)

Gigigorgeous: Transgender beauty blogger: speaks about a wide variety of topics: fashion, beauty, lifestyle (She is not a typically beauty blogger, but she uses her following for a noble purpose).

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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 02/10 12:28 AM

I like that you have a very specific aspect of fashion blogging to explore, which will serve as an anchor for your project. Interacting with some of these bloggers would definitely enrich your project. You might also consider a few of them as case studies to analyze themes, strategies, presentations, etc.

#2 POSTED BY Andres Govea, 02/10 8:49 AM

Great work. Along with discussing the influence "beauty guru's" have outside the digital world, I think it is important to also explore how these guru's have been positively effected by their personal branding. For instance, I know many of these YouTube beauty bloggers have gained cosmetic deals with large name brands. To examine the relationship of the online creatures and the fashion industry may improve your blog. 

#3 POSTED BY Matthew Graham Silver, 02/10 1:51 PM

I think you've got a great idea. I do think you should secure some contacts with some of these bloggers, because you'll definitely want to do interviews. My question is, particularly in the fashion world where following/creating trends is the expectation, how does one create a successful unique identity? Often a lot of these gurus are self-trained/self-taught masters. Where do they get their savvy? Do their followers have a strong impact on the development of their styles? I hope any of this helpful and I look forward to what you have to say!

#4 POSTED BY Tale Catherine Burge Oyehaug, 02/17 8:58 PM

Cool topic! It'll be interesting to see where it leads you. Do you have any idea of how "beauty gurus" became such influential cyber-celebrities? It would be interesting to see how it started, in relation to how popular they have become on the internet today. 

#5 POSTED BY guest guest, 04/29 10:22 AM

This is a great topic to research. As a mineral makeup business owner, I have reached out to many youtube beauty gurus for reviews. One thing you may want to include in your research is laws that now pertain to bloggers/vloggers. If they are compensated for their review, they are supposed to state that or have it in writing that it is a sponsored review.

I believe this law helps the general public know how much importance to place on a review, and understand it may not be entirely unbiased if the reviewer is getting compensated. We've never paid for a review, but we do have some bloggers that are affiliates of our company, via Share a Sale. They earn a 10% commission for every sale driven by their link, or linked banner or image.

Many reviewers have launched their very own businesses due to their popularity and sponsored posts; Blair Fowler and Michelle Phan are great examples of such success.


Lorraine Pierce

Founder & CEO

LA Minerals

#6 POSTED BY guest guest, 05/18 4:41 PM

I agree that the Vlogging is a huge resource for many, regardless of the the field. The warning will be for the viewer, how much does the Vlogger actually know compared to their perceived knowledge, and what if anything are they being paid for. Why does one Vlog? Is it to share or is it to profit? There is nothing wrong with both but I think the viewer should know in the spirit of full disclosure. 

