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Wiki this, Wiki that: The Future of 'Online Marketing'

Although I have skewed my You Tube project to emphasize the ‘tight,’ yet influential 'Beauty Guru’ community, I thought that I would begin to research the concept of 'Online Marketing,' as that is one of the key motivations for these Beauty experts' various reviews, tutorials, of which they post continuously on their blogs and channels. When typing this topic into Wikipedia, I found an abundance of information, concerning the definition, history, as well as different forms and subcategories of various advertising techniques. 

The article gives a fair, as well as in-depth description, concerning the controversies and history of online marketing. However, I do feel that they go into a bit too much depth, concerning the concept of 'spam.' Despite this, I do understand its relevance to the article. As such, Wiki provides a list of different types of 'online adverts,' such as- banners, pop-ups, floating ads, expanding ads, trick and interstitial banners, as well as mobile and email advertisements. Furthermore, the article then leads into a discussion about the different marketing techniques (online classified and affiliate advertising), as well as the general compensation, of which companies receive from these online ads, (these can be tracked through the number of views, 'clicks,' fixed cost, or 'performance-based’). The ‘performance based’ ad-revenue section was particularly interesting, as it explains the partnership between a 'publisher' and 'company, ' and how they each benefit from a 'shared revenue’ (like Youtube!. Finally, the article ends with the various concerns of privacy, the trust-worthy factor of ads, as well as the 'normal internet-user's' ability to use ad-blockers, which, completely negates the purpose of using online-advertising. 

As Wikipedia states- "Online advertising, also called Internet advertising, uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. In accordance with my project, the Beauty Guru community is a perfect example of this phenomenon. As they are a very select group of individuals, whose core values and platforms rely upon their ability to market and advertise various products, of which they have either purchased themselves, or that were sent to them by large companies, social media is an extremely important outlet for their ‘online personas.’ Thus, beauty gurus fall under the category of 'online advertising.' However, their 'relatable' personalities overrule the conventional 'Internet attitude' of the ‘r

ude’ and ‘intrusive’ marketers and ads, as were mentioned above. 

In the comment/talk section, I agree with the topic of  'bias,' as it was used within this particular article: 

Although I think the article needs to say some things that are considered good about online advertising. (To help balance things.) Perhaps how online advertising is used to financially support websites, online magazines, etc etc.--Charles Iliya Krempeaux 09:45, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

I agree completely with this user’s statement. The original author of this piece only concentrated upon the negative aspects of social marketing, such as the 'rude interruptions,' like 'spam' and 'pop up windows.' Although I agree with the fact, that these forms of ‘online advertising’ have created a sense of 'distrust' within the Internet community, I could not help, but wish he had gone into more detail about the positive advantages to online marketing. Consequently, a user, Adam Marsh, wrote another response to this article, entitled, 'Future of Online Advertising.' Within this piece, (going by his own words and experience), he mentions how the Google/You tube platforms have made advertising a benefit, as well as 'advancement,' in regards to the future of ‘online marketing.’ He explains, that there is a sense of immediacy with videos ads, as they provide instant access to new information, with only ‘one click of a mouse.' Thus, this is a perfect basis for the various Beauty Gurus, who desire to communicate with their audiences, in order to provide information on a 'personal' and 'genuine' level. As the author does not go into much detail about these communities, or about the positive benefits of online marketing, I believe that this is due to the fact, that this article was written during the time of You tube's startup (most of the article's responses date back to 2006-2007).Thus, this author could definitely use some revisions, as well as additions to his/her piece. 

Relating to Wiki's definition of 'online marketing,' I found an interview with the renowned Guru, Michelle Phan, who has over 5 million Youtube channel subscribers, as well as various endorsement and makeup deals with multiple high-end, commercial companies. Thus, she is an excellent example of the 'future' of an online social media marking 'persona.' At 2:22, she explains her thoughts, concerning her personal success, as well as why she believes that Beauty V-loggers have such a wide influence, both within the fashion industry and worldwide. As such, the interviewer refers to her as ‘an influencer,' whereas Michelle describes herself, as a 'Beauty curator,' or, more specifically, someone who relates and recommends products through a more 'genuine' means, rather than through a 'corporate, structured model:’ Video Here. With regards to Wikipedia's arguments against online marketing, I think that it is equally important to examine the newer improvements and strides, which have been made within this specific field. Not all marketers are 'boring' individuals, who are obligated to call you in the middle of dinner and try to sell you a product, of which you don't need, nor are they a random 'pop up,' that will give your computer a sudden virus (to give a few personal examples). Social media marketing has become a necessary, as well as fascinating tool, that, when used properly, can have positive effects upon the Internet community. More specifically, it can establish a deeper connection between the 'user' and the 'publisher’ of any particular site. With the growing trend of the Internet and social media users, companies must find new ways to expand their products and marketing strategies. Thus, the different media/video platforms are a perfect way for them to 'reinvent' their images, as well as expand their 'commercial' and 'personal' influences with their consumers.

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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 02/27 6:23 PM

Great analysis, and tie to another source

#2 POSTED BY Dominique Brielle Fluker, 02/28 9:47 AM

I found it interesting that Online Marketing on Wikipedia is slightly different than Social Media Marketing... I guess Online Marketing serves as an umbrella that covers Social Media Marketing. I really liked your analysis on Online Marketing and its implications on publicity and monetary gain!

#3 POSTED BY Tale Catherine Burge Oyehaug, 03/02 1:00 PM

Your analysis is very strong! I think it's great that you talk about how online marketing can have positive effects too, as people often only talk about the negative side of it.