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Rebekka Victoria: Transcript

Test Study: Beauty Blogger Questionnaire

You Tuber: Rebekka Victoria

What is your channel name? Rebekka Victoria.

How many channels do you have (if applicable)? Just the one.

When did you start your channel? About a month and two weeks ago.

How long have you had your channel? About two and a half years, I think.(Zoe: Sorry- correction in my article!) 

Do you have a fashion blog? No, just a YouTube channel.

Who are your favorite beauty bloggers/ you tubers? Jaclyn Hill, Nicole Guerriero and Fleur De Force.

Why did you decide to join YouTube/ start a blog? I wanted to do it for ages because I have watched videos for a long time and admired other people who had started channels. So one day I decided I could too :) 

Would you consider yourself a ‘beauty guru?’ I would in a way but not all of my videos are beauty related. 


When do you post videos? Usually every 3 days or so.


How long does it take you to edit and post your videos? About 2 and a half to 3 hours.

 How does it feel to 'talk into a camera?’ A bit embarrassing at first but you get used to it :) it gets easier with time. 

 What was your first You Tube video like (filming, editing etc.)? A bit awkward, I didn't say much in my first video. 

Do you V-log? If so, how has that helped you to connect with your audience? How is it different then your regular YouTube channel? Which do you prefer? No but I plan to one day :) once I have something interesting enough to vlog about haha! 

What has been your favorite You Tube video/blog post? (or one that your readers/ viewers have liked or responded to well? Either my makeup collection or my shoe collection video. 


Do you connect with other bloggers/you tubers online? I speak to some other youtubers and bloggers on Twitter. 

What do you think of the ‘Beauty Community’ on You tube or in the 'blogosphere?' I love the way everyone is so positive towards each other and the support they give! :)

Do you think the Beauty Blogger/ Youtube Community has made a positive or negative  impact on the fashion/beauty industry? Positive, it helps people learn what's best for them and how to be confident in themselves.

Have you gone through any type of ‘transition,’ since you’ve started your channel or blog site? Has it helped/improved your sense of 'self-confidence' in any other way? No, my channel is fairly new.

What have you learned since starting your channel? To just have fun with making videos and not worry so much what negative people think of you. 

How have you built (and continued to build) your online audience? I advertise my channel the most through Twitter. 


Do you use social media to talk with your audience? How has it helped your channel/online platform? Yes, I would say it has as social media spreads things pretty quickly.

What advice would you give to other girls/people, who want to start their own fashion blog or channel? Just to be themselves and have fun. Also to do whatever they want to do and not just what they think others want to see, you never know :) 

Any future plans for your channels? How do you plan to expand your channel/ ‘online platform?’ Hopefully my channel will keep growing over time, I plan to just keep doing what I've been doing so far lol! :) 


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#1 POSTED BY Matthew Graham Silver, 03/09 8:57 PM

I think its fantastic that you got an interview! I hope you get more. Any tips for how to get/construct interviews?

#2 POSTED BY guest guest, 03/09 9:54 PM

haha thanks matt! I've just been emailing and messaging different bloggers- most have them have been pretty responsive :) 

#3 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 03/10 1:24 AM

Which questions do you think worked well? One challenge of doing email interviews is eliciting thorough answers. You can always go back and ask the person to elaborate.

#4 POSTED BY Ryan Blaire Kahn, 03/10 1:54 PM

It is really great that you were able to get an interview! I am noticing something interesting going on here, though; Rebekka keeps making the point that you should just do your thing and not care who is watching, but it seems like her answers are all a little too PC. Hey, maybe she is just a really sweet girl who has some semi-generic and really non-controversial opinions...but I feel like she might have been holding back and that it would be worth doing another interview.

#5 POSTED BY Zoe Sera Goetzmann, 03/10 2:59 PM

Thanks Ryan! I actually agree with you about the short answers. A lot of times when I do interviews online, the responses are a bit too short (even when I'm making a short film/documentary). It's really hard to get good, deep information from interviewees. However, if you look at other beauty bloggers, Rebekka's answer reflects how most beauty bloggers feel about their blogs and channels. You Tube is all about making videos, because you have a passion for that particular area of interest (cheesy, I know). I am still waiting to hear back from other bloggers, so I hope that I can get different answers from other people. So, I think that is an interesting trend with beauty bloggers, that I plan to explore even further. 

#6 POSTED BY Hannah Heffernan Johnson, 03/10 11:06 PM

Its awesome that you got an interview! I would love to see how other bloggers/vloggers compare and an analysis on why you think they answer questions the way they do. Fascinating!