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An Ethnography of New York: The 'Eccentrics,' 'Heroes,' and the 'Everyday-ers'

In researching the Internet for an 'Ethnography' project, I became fascinated with a common site (which many of you are probably familiar with), called- "Humans of New York." Upon further investigation, I discovered that it is actually an appropriate subject for "Ethnography,' as it is an exploration of a particular culture (i.e. New York City: 'The Big Apple'). The site was started by a photographer, Brandon, who started out as a post-grad photographer, who was trying to make a living in NYC. Fast forward a couple of years later, he has garnered a huge following and has taken approximately, "5,000 portraits and written 50 stories," regarding all the 'eccentric' and intriguing people, of whom he has encountered in Manhattan. From a personal social psychology and artistic perspective, I truly believe, that Brandon proves the old saying,"A picture is worth a "1,000 words" (or at least a caption/story). As well, he is a great example of a 'digital ethnographer,' as he is sharing his 'findings' (photographs) publicly and globally with the rest of the (online) world. Thus, he has created an internal/external dialogue through social media. His exploration of NYC culture has expanded into an analysis, as well as a 'magnification' of the different races, genders, and professions of these citizens of Manhattan. He has provided a 'lens' (yes, that pun was intended) for us to examine one of the most fascinating cities in the world, which is often taken for granted, because of its large size. Humans of New York is a fantastic, unique, and extremely different example of a 'visual' Ethnographic 'project.' If you haven't already, you should subscribe to their site and follow them on (Brandon's) Twitter and Facebook!


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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 02/18 2:32 PM

Great example. Images do indeed reveal things words cannot on their own. The vignettes that accompany these photos provide context and insight into the person in the portrait.

#2 POSTED BY Rachel Michelle Glicksberg, 02/19 10:10 PM

Great blog choice--I love it! Especially the micro-fashion photos!