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The Possibilities Are Endless

Throughout this semester, we as students are meant to explore a topic of our choosing pertaining to the world of social media and its effects on said topic. While the possibilities are endless, my imagination, is sadly not. I've been wondering what to write about since the first class. I think that what I'll choose to focus on this semester is the concept of Cyberfeminism. I want to focus on how Feminism on social media has allowed for more conversations around the world. Not only that but I want to also dabble in the concept of misandry and how feminists are largely being portrayed as misandrists by not only men but also other women. And how that has brought to light a new movement of men also blogging and using social media to defend their rights in the eyes of feminists.

However, this idea is still pretty rough and I'm not 100% sure where I would even start. I would greatly appreciate any sources or ideas that you guys have.

This is Serena, signing off.

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#1 POSTED BY Madeline Hanna Robles, 02/09 4:37 PM

I think this is such a good topic. I particularly like the emphasis on the women's views of other women. This aspect is not highlighted as much but is also important to discuss. Something you should definitely highlight is the definition of feminism. There is a lot of misunderstanding and confusion between believing in feminism and being an activist for feminism especially amongst teen girls. It is usually this misunderstanding that leads to the ideas of misandry. 

#2 POSTED BY Kyle Braden Nicholas, 02/09 4:42 PM

This sounds like you have a pretty good concept down.  I like that fact that you are going to incorporate the two ends of the spectrum in order to look into the idea of feminism on the internet. This sounds like it will be in interesting blog.

#3 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 02/09 6:22 PM

Serena, you've hit a jackpot of a topic! There's a ton of fascinating work on feminism & the internet. I have the book Cyberfeminism 2.0 in my office which I'll lend to you. And looking at how feminism is reshaped via social media will be really interesting. Also look at Shelby Knox. She's a young, well known feminist who uses social media as an activist platform.

#4 POSTED BY Wade Wallerstein, 02/09 11:17 PM

I love the idea of misogyny from other women towards cyber feminists. I also think that it would be interesting to look at hypocrisy of cyberfeminists. That may sound weird, but have you ever seen a girl who will post tirelessly about feminist topics but then make comments on others' posts that would appear to undermine that? Also, the ruthlessness of the cyberfeminism movement is something that would be really interesting: there are some very dedicated and angry bloggers out there! Like Madeline said, I love the emphasis on women's views of other women, especially when it comes to women judging other womens' posts on social media sites. How often do you hear girls trash talking other girls' instagram pictures, yaddamean?

#5 POSTED BY Serena Astrid Elkaim, 02/10 1:42 PM

Thanks so much for the positive feedback!

I feel reassured and very excited to undertake this endeavor!

#6 POSTED BY guest guest, 12/26 2:50 PM

Thanks a lot!