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The Game Plan

How am I going to make this al happen? As I said before, tubmlr will be my chosen medium. We have discussed in class the many ways that blogging can encompass identity and thoughts as well as how it is a medium conducive to meeting strangers through similar interest. All of this considered, I will hopefully be able to cultivate a following based on shared ideals that and a popular brand that I create for "myself." 

I have heard that the best way to obtain followers is to have a photo of video "go viral," so that will be where I will direct my attention at the beginning of this project. I have yet to decide whether or not it will work for me to act in photos, seeing as I do not have a tumblr account of my own and would likely not be recognized, or if it would be better for me to solicit the help of a willing, fitness loving friend. Regardless, the next step will be for me to make the account. 

I want to make sure you are all able to see the blog activity, if you are interested, right after reading my weekly post(s); there will be a link to my project tumblr below the "about me" section on this blog. This way, one click and you are right where the action is, in a new window for your convenience. 

I am really excited about this idea and will do my best to provide step by step updates along the way. As Matt kindly suggested in a comment, I hope this journey might ultimately serve as some sort of guide regarding how to gain online notoriety for a calculated reason. I also aim to contribute, in a positive way, the the online community I am soon to join via tumblr. 

Let's get started! 

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#1 POSTED BY Zoe Sera Goetzmann, 02/23 10:17 PM

I think that is really interesting, that you are using tumblr, as another outlet to create an 'online identity.' Although I agree with you that viral photos and videos are definitely a 'sure way' to gain followers, the Internet is often unpredictable when it comes to figuring out what exactly people will think is 'interesting' or 'funny.' I think that following and interacting with a 'niche' group, of whom you are interested in (or your internet personality will want to engage with) would be a better way to gain a following. So, I think that by creating a dialogue with your 'target group,' you will have a better foundation for starting your 'internet persona.' 

#2 POSTED BY Ryan Blaire Kahn, 02/24 11:27 AM

That is great advice, Zoe. I really appreciate it. 

#3 POSTED BY Matthew Graham Silver, 02/24 9:43 PM

I think an extremely important  to examine how to achieve "viral" status. Its a lot like Andres' issue of what makes something memetic. Is this kind of popularity something that can be calculated and predicted? If so, that would mean that memes are just as marketable as popular music and film. I would really like to see where this goes. Do you consider viral status to be an achievable goal? I'm also super curious to see what your viral photo will be. Fingers crossed for you!

#4 POSTED BY Ryan Blaire Kahn, 02/25 9:08 PM

Such interesting questions, Matt! This is what I really want to find out throughout my experiment; I feel like this journey will give me a better idea of how to create content with the purpose of attracting an audience. I might fail entirely, but I am ok with that as long as I learn something, which I know i will. 

#5 POSTED BY Wade Wallerstein, 02/27 6:29 PM

I'm so excited to see where you take this fake persona. This directly correlates to my own chosen topic of study, micro celebrity. The ideas of personal branding and shameless self promotion will be key in developing your tumblr page. Let's see if we can't "blow this up" and make you an internet celebrity...