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More on Zoe...I mean me...I mean Zoe

I am so pleased to report the relative success of my blog, and I hope to see my followers increase over the next month before I reveal myself as a researcher on my page! 

Please check it out and follow it, if you can!

I have decided that the big reveal will be a day as close to May 1st as possible, so that I am left with a bit of time to have conversation with followers about their reaction to the reveal before the term ends. My challenge now is to review my activity log, the new tumblr feature I wrote about in my last post, to see what days of the week and times of day my blog seems to get the most traffic; I want to make sure the reveal post is seen by as many followers as possible upon it’s first posting. I will be reposting the reveal several times, to make sure everyone comes across it on their respective feeds, but I would love for as many followers as possible to see the reveal when I first post it. 

I have made recent attempts to start a discourse with my followers by posting personal photos and chat blogs about what is going on in my life followed by requests for support within the community. I have had a few likes and re-blogs on this post, but not much actual dialogue with community members. 

I have found that most of the dialogue that goes on is regarding preventing community members from binging and purging, or restricting in their diets. I do not feel that is appropriate for me to post an entry asking for help on this topic because I think that takes my inauthenticity a little too far. It also deviates from the real purpose of my blog, which is to cultivate body positivity...not to recover from eating disorders.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, most of my following consists of women and girls in recovery. This makes sense, because they are represent the audience who most urgently needs to genuine body positivity. Despite that this is the following I have attracted, I do not want to shift the focus of my blog to recovery. That is not what it is about. It is about unconditional self love and encouraging those recovering, suffering, or not really even thinking about themselves to participate in a movement. 

 I will continue to make attempts to create a dialogue, but this is where I stand for now. 


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