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Excerpt from Midterm Paper

In my paper I began to analyze the case studies that I had researched. To recap I studied Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast, Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes, and Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist.   Questions I had were, “What makes these bloggers stand out? Why are they so successful?” Another, “What is so appealing about these bloggers, and fashion blogs in general?” Lastly, "What aspects of fashion blogging are more successful than fashion magazines?" This excerpt contains some of the conclusions I found.


Fashion blogs portray fashion styles that are more relatable to the viewer. To what extent does the blogger’s looks and personality matter? In addition to the stylish outfits presented in their blogs, Neely, and Aldridge are quite striking. Both are tall, thin and model-like (I would guess that they are a size 0). They are uniquely beautiful. Neely is a mix of different heritages including Dutch and Asian. Her skin tone is a light caramel, with a supernatural glow. She has strong cheekbones and perfectly beach tousled hair.  On the contrary, Aldridge has porcelain skin and electric (dyed) red hair. This juxtaposition makes her stand out and hard to miss. Although their style may be more attainable than what is pictured in popular fashion magazines, their beauty definitely resembles models, making them perhaps less relatable.

            Paradoxically, it is possible that the success of these blogs has to do with an element of glamour that is both unattainable and un-relatable, adding intrigue for the viewer. Neely lives in San Diego and frequently takes road trips along the coast of California. She conducts her photo shoots with sandy, blue skied, palm tree lined backgrounds.  Her style can be defined as California cool. She tends to wear transparent blousy tops or dresses, with designer sunglasses, bags, and shoes. She dresses in a mixture of “high-low” fashion, a combination of cheaper items from chain stores (such as H&M) and designer pieces. Her blog and posts also center on her lifestyle. She is a vegan, and often posts about her new favorite smoothie or natural cosmetic/skin care brand. 

            Neely’s blog in reality is not as attainable as it may seem. As she has gained success her clothes, skin care/beauty products, food, and travel frequency have become fancier. However, what makes her different from the models styled in popular magazines is how she presents herself.  Her style is more relaxed and easy-going, appearing more relatable.

            The key to the success of fashion blogging has to do with the combination of being both relatable and unattainable.  Viewers are attracted to a relatable personality, and style; however, are also fascinated by a lifestyle, and select clothing items that are glamorous and unattainable. In some ways, successful bloggers have a similar intrigue as celebrities. Fashion bloggers offer a perspective of fashion that is both relatable and glamorous, with out the arrogance and superiority that the fashion industry presents. Although fashion blogging appears democratic, and it is in the sense that anyone can create a blog, becoming a successful blogger is not really democratic as only the most beautiful and those with an unattainable lifestyle succeed, offering their viewers an intrigue that they so fervently crave.



“The key to the success of fashion blogging has to do with the combination of being both relatable and unattainable.  Viewers are attracted to a relatable personality, and style; however, are also fascinated by a lifestyle, and select clothing items that are glamorous and unattainable.”

This quote, the idea of fashion blogging being “both relatable and unattainable” is perhaps the most successful idea that came out of this piece, and is an idea that I want to work with and push further in my research.

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