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Hi-Tech Fashion

In Oaxaca I saw a really interesting exhibit at the Textile Museum.  The exhibit combined technology with fashion. I was struck by the modern exhibit, as it clearly did not correspond to the fashion outside the museum’s walls.

My favorite piece in the exhibit was a white linen dress with an embroidered keyboard on the chest. Next to the dress was an Ipad opened to an App of a keyboard. When you wrote your name or whatever word you wanted, it would then light up on the dress. It was awesome!

Another favorite, was a dress that looked almost water colored of a cloudy sky. On the bottom of the dress near the hem, lights would go off to resemble lightening in the sky. Very beautiful!

 I’m not sure how wearable these outfits would be, but it definitely created a commentary on fashion and technology. The exhibit made me question what the future of fashion will be.





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#1 POSTED BY Kyle Braden Nicholas, 04/05 3:02 PM

Reading this brought back a memory from about a year ago.  I was on Tumblr and there was this very interesting about technological dresses.  I wish I could remember the name of the designer... Hm, I believe they were designed around the idea of arousal.  The dresses are an opaque black, and the film they are made of react to body temperature.  Once the wearer's body heat rises the film will change to a light grey that is semi-transparent.  I could see if I can fins the article for you, I'm not sure it would be helpful for your topic, but it was interesting.

#2 POSTED BY Kyle Braden Nicholas, 04/05 3:05 PM

#3 POSTED BY Rachel Michelle Glicksberg, 04/07 5:04 PM

Ah cool! Thanks so much for the article...I love that website.