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Let The Questions Begin!

I’m going to begin the ethnographic portion of my project by posing questions to feminist tweeters and groups. I’ve decided that for the first round of questions I will tweet the same question to a variety of feminist organizations on twitter. Including Feministing, Feminist Majority, Everyday Sexism, and Mother Jones and see how their responses differ.  The question is:


  1. How do you think we should educate teens and young adults about the various forms of sexual harassment online?


Many women still do not understand the boundaries that exist online. While there is no physicality in this type of sexual harassment, it does not mean it is not harassment. Additionally, since this is a grey area issue, there are forms of harassment that many victims may not realize that they are indeed victims. So how do we inform women and victims about this type of harassment? School text books only go so far, and technology moves so quickly how do we keep the youths informed on how to protect themselves?

Hopefully, one of these groups responds. If not, onto the next question! 


-Maddie xx

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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 03/18 5:39 PM

How do you want them to respond? via twitter? message? Make that clear. To be consistent with Twitter, shorten to something like "How should we educate abt sexual harassment online? Pls tweet @ me/message me yr ideas & RT" (note: that means Re-tweet, in case you don't know)

Good luck!

#2 POSTED BY Wade Wallerstein, 04/01 3:53 PM

I love that you're interacting with all of these different users—hopefully if your questions get enough visibility from those who respond, followers and community members will also react and you'll be able to get some responses there too. What other questions do you plan on asking? And, since you've posted this, have you gotten any responses back yet? 

#3 POSTED BY Ryan Blaire Kahn, 04/02 3:11 PM

This is great! Have you considered setting up a forum where people could respond to this question and discuss amongst themselves on a platform that allots more than 140 characters? You could begin the discourse on twitter as a hook, get people involved and sharing their differing opinions, and then continue the discussion on a forum! Just some thoughts. :)