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Questions and Answers!

I am so pleased that after a tweeting a question on sexual harassment I finally  a response from EverydayFeminism. I tweeted the following at them:

How should we educate abt sexual harassment online? Pls tweet @ me/message me yr ideas & RT

EverydayFeminism replied: This is an excellent question. Some of the techniques for dealing with SH can also be applied to harassment online. #EndSH

Of course there are many parallels between street sexual harassment and cyber harassment. However, one is socially deemed more legitimate than the other. How can we bring to show that this new form of harassment is just as violating as everyday harassment? I feel this is much more foreign to teens who are used to socializing on the internet that they might not see harassment or abuse when it’s happening to them. My next tweet will ask: How can we show cyber SH is just as legit and dangerous as everyday harassment? 


What are your thoughts??


-Maddie xx

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