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Predator Alert Tool for OkCupid

While doing some research I came across this site that explained a device called Predator Alert Took for OkCupid. The site describes this device as a program that alerts OkCupid users of potential predators based on their own answers to a Match Questions constructed on the bases of academic work. The set of questions are constructed by two academics who have studied and can identity potential rapists. The Predator Alert Tool for OkCupid (PAT-OKC) is an extra feature that one may include onto their web browser. The site states, “...alerts you of any red flags for a given profile...a ‘red flag’ is simply a public action taken by the given profile that is concerning, such as answering Match Questions in the same way an undetected rapist is statistically like to answer them.” The site then gives an example of a question that if answered incorrectly could quickly raise the alarm. Although this method is not fool proof, it is a start nonetheless. Indeed, any one can find ways around these survey questions, but like I said it’s better than nothing. 

Perhaps more screenings methods such as this are more efficient and evades the privacy issue that comes with other methods of screening e.g. background checks. Ultimately, this tools helps uses makes better informed decisions on the people they decide to meet. This tool promotes safety and rape/sexual harassment awareness.


-Maddie xx

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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 04/15 12:11 AM

Hmm. I read the article you linked to and am a little confused by the direct question they ask. Hard to believe (and dismaying) that so many people would readily admit to attempting to rape someone. I agree that the tool promotes awareness, but I'd like to see you dig into this a little deeper. I'd like to know more about the researchers' methods and what some of the other questions would be "statistically significant' to indicate a potential rapist.

Are there potential drawbacks to using this? Might it create a false sense of security? Sexual assaults are more often unreported, so the screening tool is bound to leave out many of them. What are the ethical implications of determining if someone is a "potential" rapist?

Since you are focused on ways to address online harassment, this is a great lead to identifying and critiquing these methods. I encourage you to find more, look at them as a set of practices, and analyze/critique their approach.