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Ethnographic Tweeting…it's a thing.

For the ethnographic portion of this blog I’ve decided to begin by following many feminist organizations on twitter. These blogs include Jezebel, Feministing, Everyday Sexism, and Mother Jones. After reading material they’ve posted, I plan on then tweeting questions to them and hope for a response. The questions will be formulated on not only their own posts but posts from other sites as well. This will be a way to exchange ideas and thoughts about sexual harassment online. I will of course post about the questions I’ve decided to tweet and if I receive response I will then post those as well. However, getting answers to my questions may take some time as these are quite popular organizations. When I’m not tweeting I will continue researching and keeping up to date on the current climate of sexual harassment online and reporting back. Until then….


-Maddie xx

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#1 POSTED BY guest guest, 03/10 12:15 AM

I'm excited to see what happens. Give them options to message/email you as well if they don't want to tweet or have more to say. Hopefully, you'll hear from readers as well as writers. Pose your questions in different ways, target different people, use hashtags...flood Twitter.

#2 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 03/10 12:16 AM

Above comment was from me, btw (wasn't logged in)

#3 POSTED BY Hannah Heffernan Johnson, 03/10 9:59 PM

I'd be interested to hear in detail what each of these organizations claim they stand for/their mission statement. Are you planning on asking them the same questions? I think some of this could provide informative material with which to compare and contrast differing opinions and views. Looking forward to seeing what comes from your work!

#4 POSTED BY guest guest, 04/02 8:43 PM

I'd be interested in hearing more about how you decided which questions to ask. Do you think your efforts to reach these organizations might be helped by posting the questions on the sites themselves? I've noticed that the authors on many feminist websites tend to be active in the comments.