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Terms and Conditions May Apply...


This film discusses the corruption of online privacy. A topic that I knew about but had no idea that extent of the issue. Since viewing Terms and Conditions May Apply I have become extremely cautious. Not only is our online anonymity at risk but our phones have just as much or even more data. This film really illustrates how much information everyone leaves behind, kind of like a cyber foot print. However, it seems almost inescapable with every website we visit, and  every social media platform, how can we stay anonymous? The portion that scared me the most was the segment on mobile devices. Not only do our Iphones and smart phones carry more information, but they record every finger swipe we have ever done. The worst part is that there are devices that can be sold to ANYONE that can uncode and analyze everything on our phone. Anyone can get their hands on these, and our entire history could be exposed. The film made a good point, even if you feel that all of these privacy issues don’t matter because you have nothing to hide, well in reality EVERYONE is hiding something. Even if it’s not a matter of national security, there are a plethora of reasons why a perfectly respectable, well mannered, law abiding citizen would cherish their anonymity. 

Is it too much to hope that  laws will pass regarding our virtual rights to privacy? At least when it comes to selling our information to advertising agencies? The Patriot Act will prove to be extremely difficult to circumvent. It will take a very long time for any changes to be made about our online privacy, that can’t be explained away by the Patriot Act.


-Maddie xx

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