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A rather fitting quote for today

I stumbled upon this quote and thought it had a place on this page. I think this is a very important message to remember. we are all amazing. SOmetimes we just need to be reminded.

"Women, I love you, all of you. I am a very specific type of woman: the woman who puts career before sanity, who is devoted singularly to providing for herself. Never will I ever desire a man to provide for me. But the women who are raising kids, birthing a new generation, teaching them morality and honesty: keep going. For those who balance both children and career: like, my goodness, how?! You all have a strength and bravery I may never know. Women, I love your curves, wherever they lay on your body, and however round or however straight they may be. Women dancing on bars, I admire your confidence in your heels and mini-skirt, and virgins, your allegiance to your beliefs. I love how I can identify with each of you, in spite of differences and our million contradictions, because as a woman we are strong, emotionally abundant, thoughtful, intelligent. We are always equal to men – never better, never worse – but we are also never defined by a man, whether he be our husband or that one-night-stand who is grossly more attractive thanks to dimmed lighting and tequila shots."

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#1 POSTED BY guest guest, 04/27 12:49 AM

You all have a strength and bravery I may never know.



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