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Participatory Action Research

I was recently turned on to a program in New York called The Public Science Project, or Participatory Action Research. It is made up of a coalition of activists, researchers, youth, elders, lawers, and educators and focuses on issues of educational injust...

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Terms And Conditions May Apply

I Liked to think that I was aware of who could see my activity on the internet. I monitored my privacy settings on Facebook and I had a basic add blocker. What more could a girl want? I also thought I had come to terms with the fact that nothing is truly ...

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A Brief Talk

My interview with Roger and Sal from Moving Arts Espanola was informal to say the least. I had been meaning to shoot them an email asking for a more official interview time but before I could get around to that I ran in to them in a local cafe. Literally....

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Roger and Sal: A Brief Introduction

There are two men in Espanola NM (aka my home town) who are actively working to make a change with art. They run a program for young kids that gives them an outlet to express themselves in a way that would otherwise never be on option for a myriad of reas...

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art for change

Begin with art, because art tries to take us outside ourselves. It is a matter of trying to create an atmosphere and context so conversation can flow back and forth and we can be influenced by each other. 

— W.E.B. DuBois 


Artists have...

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