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Survey - Data Collection

For the survey that I conducted for my research project I received 23 responses.


Question #1 - Do you use social media to connect with family, freinds, or colleagues?


  • About 95% of participants said that they use social media to keep in touch with people that they know
  • Only one person responded “No” to utilizing social media to communicate with people that they know

Question #2 - Roughly how many social media platforms are you an active participant in?


  • The majority of participants, 63%, said that they utilize between 1 and 3 social media platforms in their daily lives
  • 23% said they use between 4 and 7, and 9% use between 8 and 10
  • There is one response that said they don’t use any social media platforms.  It would make sense that this is the same participant that said they don’t use social media to keep in touch with people that they know

Question #3 - Which search engine do you use most often?

  • Though I know it is the most popular search engine, I found it interesting that 100% of participants in my survey use Google as their primary search engine


Question #4 - Which Operating System do you use most often?

  • A majority of of the participants in my survey use Macintosh computers - 82%, and 18% use a Windows computer


Question #5 - In the past three months how much news have you heard about the NSA?

  • 23% said that they had heard “Very Little” about about the NSA in the past three months
  • 32% responded with “Some”
  • 45% answered “A Lot”


Question #6 - The NSA says that it monitors and collects personal information as part of its efforts to discover and prevent terrorism attacks. Does knowing the NSA monitors the internet and mobile devices make you feel safe from terrorism?

  • 23% of participants said that they feel “More Safe” knowing that the NSA monitors the internet and mobile devices
  • 64% responded with feeling Neither More or Less Safe
  • 9% said that they feel “Less Safe”
  • One participant chose the option “I feel I do not know enough on this issue to answer properly.”


Question #7 - Do you feel that terrorist attacks are a major threat in the US?

  • The majority of participants, 76%, believe that terrorist attacks pose “Some Threat” to the US
  • 24% believe it is still a “Major Threat”


Question #8 (Open Ended) - What kind of legislation, if any, do you think should be passed to protect individual’s privacy on the internet? (Please explain.)

  • Many of the participants believe there should at least be some form of legislation to protect the believed privacy of users on the internet.  
  • Some answers also state that Terms & Conditions for websites should be changed to have warnings to the individuals of what that site will do with their data if they chose to utilize the website
  • There were several participants who chose to write “none” for this question.
  • Two answers that stood out were (What kind of legislation, if any, do you think should be passed to protect individual’s privacy on the internet? (Please explain.));

“Untargeted mass surveillance or any surveillance without a warrant should be illegal and viewed as unconstitutional. Legislation should be put in place to ensure the government and/or corporations do not take control of the internet. However, while I think legislation is useful I think it's far more important to instill effective use of encryption and privacy as a habit in the public and ensure good privacy and security practices among applications and services. A large part of that is developing effective and convenient encryption software.”


“None. It's kind of interesting, even after the whole NSA monitoring revelations came out. People haven't changed their habits (find ways to encrypt their information, etc). So if anything people getting on their high horse about the NSA monitoring for no reason. Because they don't do anything to hide their information even while knowing the NSA is doing these things. It's just a popular liberal fad to get upset with the NSA. By using the internet, people are taking the risk that they can be monitored; by the NSA or by someone else. Wouldn't you rather the NSA watching you than some underground extremist organization?”


Question #9 (Open Ended)- What is your opinion of Edward Snowden? (i.e. do you feel he is an enemy of the State or a concerned whistle-blower?) (Explain your answer.)

  • This question seems to have a wide mix of “Concerned Whistle-blower,” unsure, and a mixed feeling of both
  • An interesting response that stood out, due to the participants strong feelings on Snowden:


“Traitor and enemy of the state. Sacrificed safety of U.S. citizens abroad to fulfill his personal ideologies. He abused a privileged power position, that he swore he would honor. Snowden decided that his personal beliefs outweighed the collective regulation and agreement within the department of defense regarding what information must be secret. Why should one man have the power to make such a critical decision with enormous fallout. He also specifically sought a job with dishonorable intentions (he wanted more information to release). He lied to his employers. He failed to make formal complaints through government venues, instead taking matters into his own hands. He is a criminal, not a patriot. We must set a precedent of no tolerance for treasonous criminals, regardless of reform or benefits that come on his behalf.”


Question #10 (*Optional*)- Do you have any other opinions you would like share in relation to this topic?

  • Two answers stood out as a very good conclusion to the responses on the survey;


“I think that people should be able to have control over both their 'public' and 'social' personas. I don't think that the Internet should be able to take advantage of other people's social happenings. However, from a marketing perspective, I do think that their are SOME benefits to this 'internet research.'”


“Individuals have the right to know what they are signing on to when they use social media sites. People should not need to be highly intelligent to understand privacy policies. These policies should be clear, and succinct. Citizens should also be personally notified when their information - i.e. phone records, private messages, etc. are being used by third parties.”



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#1 POSTED BY Collette Sosnowy, 05/03 5:25 PM

This is a great summary, Kyle, and it's very interesting to see where people have consensus, and where the "gray areas" are. Next, for analysis, what can you say overall about how the people you surveyed feel about the NSA and online surveillance? What do you think the explanations are? Use the your results to support your arguments.

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