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Fan Identity and Social Media (In Progress, mySLC ate the second half of this post)

Trekkies are fans of Star Trek.  In the 1960’s and 1970’s, when inception of the Trek fandom, fan participation was limited to small, local gatherings, printed fanzines distributed through mailing lists compiled at these gatherings or via...

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The Power of the Fangirl (Part 2)

Women rule modern fandom. 

The idea of a female takeover of fan culture may strike some as odd - the decades old idea of the typical "fanboy" is branded into our cultural memory, but it's true. According to Time magazine, women not only consume genre ...

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The Power of the Fangirl (Part 1)

Chances are, if you google "fangirl" one of the first results you'll come across will be the definition of it:

"A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy....

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Surveillance Research & Action Panel

I had the great pleasure of livetweeting the panel on Tuesday night - I hope everyone enjoyed that. I think, for me, the best part about the panel was the fact that it wasn't three people each in their own way making us terrified of using the internet. In...

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Terms and Conditions May Apply

I'll admit (with some embarrassment) that I've always been one of those people unworried about my communication habits being watched. My actions online are extremely dull and I often told myself "why does the government care if I binge watch Criminal Mind...

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