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Comedic Twitter powerhouses, Rob Delaney and Megan Amram are initially known for their Twitter handles rather than their physical presence outside the online universe, has now garnered each comedian attention in the actual, real live world! At first glance both, Delaney and Amram, use their Twitter handle as any follower would expect a comedian to tweet about- snarky quips about the mainstream media and current events, i.e. Miley Cyrus. But Delaney and Amram each use their handle in a different approach. “On Twitter the idea is just to elicit some sort of response. Generally I go for laughter--75% of the time. The other 25% of time is passing information, shock, personal promotion of shows and the book and stuff,” Delaney gives a very mathematical response on how he divides his Twitter time in Fast Company’s article, Rob Delaney On How To Be The Funniest Person on Twitter, by Jessica Grose.

Delaney’s and Amram’s style delves deeper into the persona they portray on Twitter. “My Twitter persona is way more surreal and dark than my human persona. In real life, I'm very warm I think and a huge over sharer, but my persona is some sort of nightmare sand worm,” Amram told the Daily Dot’s post, On Twitter, The Surreal Side Of Comedian Megan Amram by Curt Hopkins o. While Delaney’s persona on Twitter is more authentic to his personality, “I like talking about beliefs that I had that I’ve outgrown,” but still putting a humorous approach to his tweets. His “authenticity” doesn’t mean he shares his whole life on the social media platform. He refuses to put his family and friends on his Twitter, because he feels “I’m the clown. I’m the person for whom privacy doesn’t have any value, because I have slight brain damage.”

The two comedians identity online have limitations and are genuine at times. Amram put down her dark-humor facade to discuss the anniversary of 9/11. “I’m glad that you mentioned that post because it’s probably the thing right now that I’m most proud of that I’ve done just because I love to – hide is not the right word – I like to sort of play this one character and everything I’ve done so far has been pretty in line with like, a crazy person. And I wrote that piece and was really nervous about putting it online because obviously it has jokes in it, but it also is 100% genuine and something that I thought would be good coming around at that time, but I didn’t know how people were gonna react,” Amram responded in an interview with SplitSider, Twitter's Megan Amram on Nightmare Hipster Comedy and Her Internet Encounter With Rosie O'Donnell. Followers often forget behind the Twitter handle is the Internet server and behind that is a person. A real life, funny, person- a person who have restraints.

Delaney gives advice on what to tweet (advice that links to Amram’s in Daily Dot) “If you know people are paying attention, honor that fact by trying to say something no one else can say. You can add nuance, urgency, fear. My advice would be: be original. If something is obvious, then think about it a little before you Tweet.” In Twitter style, the conclusion of this post, in a 140 characters or less: Stylistic approach that either creates or enhance your Twitter persona can make your Twitter #Hilarious.

You’re Welcome World,


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#1 POSTED BY Wade Wallerstein, 04/23 4:47 PM

The quote from Delaney where he described the portion of his time devoted to "information passing" is really fascinating to me. Though he is a comedian and the main purpose of his Twitter account is to tell jokes, he recognizes the ultimate capacity of the medium as a utility for the dissemination of information—a networking communications tool. In my new media class, a huge focus is praxis, or applicable process, and how that relates to a medium's utilitarian capacity. I also really love your exploration of Delaney and Amram's persona development. Something that really fascinates me is how the way that a medium's technical capacities can work to shape identity and in turn the kinds of content that users create. It's true, people often forget that behind the twitter handle there is a real, living human. It makes me think that our culture is changing in a way that individuals are categorizing digital voices as standalone identities that are independent from non-virtual identities.