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We live in a world where reality is so interwoven with technology and social media that it can be difficult to distinguish the real from the virtual in the day to day. Many have become completely dependent on their technological devices for social interac...

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Choice vs. Accessibility

At the beginning of the semester I set aside a post (this post) to discuss the differences between people who actively choose not to use the Internet and those who do not have access. What I have discovered throughout my research however is that no clearl...

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Technological Disparities: A Profile of the Amish

The Amish are kind of a mysterious bunch. Those of us from the Midwest—Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana—have probably seen them at local farmers markets selling farm goods or crafts, or if we’re lucky enough live among them and inte...

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Reflection on Privacy as it Applies to Internet Usage

Upon reflecting on the readings for the talk on Privacy and Security, as well as our class discussion, I find myself asking the same question Collette recently asked me over Twitter, “How much does concern over privacy contribute to the choice not t...

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Brief Review of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle

Earlier this semester we watched Sherry Turkle’s TED talk in class addressing the relationship between humans and computers, and how those relationships have impacted our interactions with one another. The chapters I read in her latest book Alone To...

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Privacy on the Internet: An Oxymoron

The film watched in class, Terms and Conditions May Apply, as well as the readings, highlight the scarcity of privacy on the Internet. The film starts out by discussing some of the changes that have been made to various privacy policies through out time, ...

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Children in the Digital World: Pros and Cons

A few day’s ago I submitted my contract to spend another summer at Camp Onaway, a summer camp for girls in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire where each summer ninety girls and twenty counselors trade email and texting for handwritten letters, intern...

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Paul Miller: A Year Without Internet

Paul Miller is a technology writer living in New York City and on May 1st, 2012 he decided to leave the Internet for year.

“I thought the Internet might be an unnatural state for us humans, or at least for me. Maybe I was too ADD to handle it, or too...

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Shabbat Shalom

Every Friday night at sundown, Jews across the world welcome in the weekly tradition of Shabbat. Shabbat is the day of rest in Judaism and is observed from sundown on Friday until three stars appear in the sky on Saturday. Shabbat traditionally commences ...

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A Week of Education on a Controversial Issue

It’s hard to believe that a week ago today I was on my way to Washington DC for the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The past week has been such a whirlwind of information gathering, very intense and ...

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Development of Research Process

Readers, I am so sorry that I have not posted in awhile. I have been at a conference in Washington DC and have been very busy catching up. More to come on the conference later! I wanted to take a post to explain my detailed plan for this blog and the step...

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Internet Addiction Disorder: Is it Real?

For this weeks assignment I dissected an article on Wikipedia about Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) which is also known as, “problematic internet use (PIU) or compulsive internet use (CIU)." The debate surrounding the reality and relevance of this...

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Social Media: How would we live without it?

I decided to take this class, You are what you tweet: Identity and social media, because I am fascinated by how social media has changed the way humans interact with one another, and therefore, inherently, how social media has changed who people are. Just...

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Decisions, Decisions...

I have two ideas for my blog theme and am already leaning towards one of them, but I would love to know what you think.

The theme that I am leaning more towards is the investigation of the downsides of media and technology. To do this I would explore diffe...

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