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Decisions, Decisions...

I have two ideas for my blog theme and am already leaning towards one of them, but I would love to know what you think.

The theme that I am leaning more towards is the investigation of the downsides of media and technology. To do this I would explore different communities that either reject technology in someway, or do not use it for lack of access. Additionally, I would like to engage with older forms of communication and consider their advantages over more modern technologies. Examples of some topics I would like to explore are: A history of communication in the United States, access to computers and technology in America, the Amish rejection of technology, rejection of technology/work by Jewish people on Shabbat as well as other holidays, and letters vs. email. Just some thoughts.

The second theme I am considering is to truly discover my own stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is such a widely debated issue in our society and I don’t feel I am as educated as I should be on the issues surrounding the conflict. I am mostly considering this topic because I have been invited to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Annual Conference in Washington DC this March, and I feel like this blog could be an interesting platform by which to educate myself more about the issues, report on the conference, and ultimately form my own stance.

If you have any ideas based on my above interests, or have any thoughts or comments please let me know. I can’t wait to get this blog up and running!

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#1 POSTED BY Kyle Braden Nicholas, 02/09 3:45 PM

These both sound like really cool ideas to branch off of.  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems like it would be a good area for you since you were invited to a conference on the subject.  I'm not sure if this is the topic you were leaning toward, but your invitation would allude that you must know something about this issue.  Overall I think they are both great topics, and you would have fun with either one.  I look forward to seeing which you decide!

#2 POSTED BY guest guest, 02/09 3:56 PM

I think it'd be really neat to hear about groups that have specifically incorporated a rejection of technology into their group identity. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be fascinating too, of course -- how do you think you'd look at it through the social media lens?



#3 POSTED BY guest guest, 02/09 4:38 PM

Both sound great. My initial reaction would be to do the first topic; however, because you are going to the conference I think that would be an awesome topic to explore on your blog. You could interview people/ take videos/pictures for the blog. I think that would be an exciting way to go! What an awesome conference, are there still openings?

#4 POSTED BY Rachel Michelle Glicksberg, 02/09 4:40 PM

Both sound great. My initial reaction would be to do the first topic; however, because you are going to the conference I think that would be an awesome topic to explore on your blog. You could interview people/ take videos/pictures for the blog. I think that would be an exciting way to go! What an awesome conference, are there still openings?


Whoops, the post before was posted by me, don't know why it says posted by "guest"



#5 POSTED BY Zoe Sera Goetzmann, 02/09 9:01 PM

I really like that you are considering about writing about both the pro/con stance on media and technology. As we have already discussed and learned (the hard way!) in class, technology is an all-consuming medium, that some people do not believe in using. However, I think that your second idea would be extremely interesting, as you will be actually participating in a conference about the subject. Therefore, it would a more personal, as well as an enriching experience for you. Also, I think that with this specific project, you will be able to produce an easier flow of ideas, and perhaps, (although you will probably not be allowed phones during it), you could give live updates via twitter/blog (etc.) and give your blog a more 'lively' voice, as well as establish a more engaging dialogue with your audience. 

#6 POSTED BY Dominique Brielle Fluker, 02/10 8:34 PM

I think the first topic is really interesting and it can possibly lead into the second conference project, once properly researched! I feel that writing and exploring about the certain downfalls and positive aspects of social media is very important to society and personal knowledge! Can't wait to read more!

#7 POSTED BY Wade Wallerstein, 02/17 4:23 PM

I love your first topic idea! I think that you could definitely find a lot of ethnographic work pertaining to this easily. Excited to see what you discover!