
Course Information

Advanced Writing for TV: Writingthe Original Script (FILM 4186 R)

Term: 2023-24 Academic Year Spring


Marygrace O'Shea
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Thu, 11:05 AM - 2:00 PM (1/24/2024 - 5/7/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 211


This class builds upon fundamentals learned in the spec-writing class, now with the focus on creating an original TV pilot—an important component of your portfolio for agents, managers, showrunners, and producers. Students will hone concepts, develop characters, and generate beat sheets and pages to create and write an original scripted half-hour show (no three-camera sitcoms). Focusing on engineering story machines, we power characters and situations with enough conflict to generate episodes over many years. In conference, students may wish to work on a pitch deck, pitch pages, and work in depth through additional drafts of their script pages. Students are expected to have an extensive working knowledge across many genres of scripted TV shows that have aired domestically during the past several decades.
Students must first successfully complete Writing for TV: Writing the Spec (Fall) to enter this class. No other screenwriting classes count as a prerequisite.