
Course Information

Making the Genre Film (FILM 3475 R)

Term: 2018-2019 Academic Year Fall


Rona Mark
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Tue, 11:05 AM - 2:00 PM (9/10/2018 - 12/21/2018) Location: SLC HEIM 134
Thu, 11:05 AM - 1:00 PM (9/10/2018 - 12/21/2018) Location: SLC HEIM 134


Working within a genre can greatly assist the fledgling filmmaker by suggesting content and stylistic elements, thereby freeing the artist to focus on self-expression. While exploration of all genres is welcome, our class discussions and video exercises will explore various ideas present in the so-called “lesser genres” of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. Students will shoot several short videos and exercises, both individually and in groups, each with a certain directing and thematic prompt. Film viewings will demonstrate how genre films handle sexual politics and repression, societal and personal anxieties, naturalism as opposed to fantasy, as well as the smart use of special effects and other strategies for the low-budget, independent filmmaker. This course does not require previous filmmaking experience. The first semester will focus on screenwriting, and the students will write short scripts that they will then produce and direct in the second semester for their conference project. Si