
Course Information

First-Year Studies: Words toPictures: Writing for the Screen (FILM 1327 F)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall


Rona Mark
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Tue-Fri, 11:00 AM - 12:25 PM (9/2/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 111


This FYS course will give students the foundational tools needed to write for just about any screen. Starting with simple scenes and short-form screenplays, students will learn formatting and industry standards—all while cultivating their own personal style. Students will learn the basics of dramatic structure, character development, and visual storytelling through their own work and through the analysis of published screenplays. In the first semester, students will write several short scripts, which we will table-read and workshop in class. In the second semester, we will focus our work on outlining and writing feature-length screenplays. Students will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to the class and to create look books for their screenplays. Students will meet for conference weekly in the first semester and every two weeks in the second.