
Course Information

Transcending the American Dream:Redefining Domesticity (ARTS 3159 R)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall


Nick Roseboro
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Tue-Fri, 11:00 AM - 1:25 PM (9/2/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 213
Fri, 11:00 AM - 1:25 PM (9/2/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 209A


Traditionally, we refer to the house as the structure to protect the intimacy of the family. It provides shelter and separates us from work but also supports it. The house is the space that protects the biological life of the occupants and encompasses an envelope with subdivisions into smaller spaces—what we call rooms. Such rooms present a defined hierarchy—what we call privacy, set forth by the homeowner, allowing individuals to separate from the rest of the occupants—a value directly connected to the notion of the “traditional family.” The division of rooms and their functions reiterates the nuclear-family structure. It allows for the separation of the family from the outside world and of each individual within the house. This course explicates the house, home, and housing as a space we all inhabit and sometimes take for granted. We live in times of housing scarcity, climate adjustments, new family structures, and real-estate development that hinder architects, planners, and designe