What's my new e-mail address?
With a few exceptions, your e-mail address should follow this format: firstname.lastname@gm.slc.edu
How do I check my new e-mail address?
Just go to http://gm.slc.edu and enter in your user name and password.
What's my user name?
It should follow this format: firstname.lastname . Due to duplicates and hyphenated last names (which google mail cannot accept), there are exceptions to this format. If firstname.lastname does not work for you, please e-mail Babs Donnelly for support at onemeadway@sarahlawrence.edu
What's my password?
Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically send you your password. What you can do is reset it. Please do so by clicking on "Change Password" at http://my.slc.edu/emailforlife
How do I set up my gmail on my mobile phone?
Gmail for mobile browser lets you access your Gmail account from your mobile phone. Just enter http://gmail.com in your phone's web browser to log in to your account. Gmail for mobile browser offers a number of cool features: the interface is automatically optimized for the phone you're using, you can access attachments, including photos, Microsoft Word documents, and .pdf files.
For more in formation on Gmail for mobile browser, please see: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=31623&hl=en&utm_source=wel&utm_medium=wel&utm_campaign=en
How do I set up my gmail for use with Outlook?
Gmail offers a full tutorial on how to do this here: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=13278&topic=12810