Home Page | Join an Info Session | FAQ for Students | FAQ for Faculty + Staff | Eligibility for Experience-Based Work Placements | Resources for Finding Opportunities | How to Register SLC EmbeddEd Courses | Pre-Registration Form | Ask Questions/Make Recommendations
Embedded Education at Sarah Lawrence offers opportunities for earning academic credit for students who are completing experienced-based work - like internships, volunteer positions, and jobs. SLC EmbeddEd courses are offered each semester and summer, and are available to second year students and above, including graduate students, completing experience-based work in any field. Centered on topics such as, Foundations in Workplace Culture + Wellbeing, Building a Professional Identity, and Navigating Workplace Communication, SLC EmbeddEd courses aim to support students’ transition from campus to life after graduation while building a supportive network of peers, alumni, and campus resources.
There are many possible pathways into SLC EmbeddEd courses, and students who need help finding a placement can access resources through various on-campus offices.
SLC EmbeddEd: Building a Professional Identity Spring 2025 (3 or 5 Credits)
Building a Professional Identity is an experience-based, Embedded Education, course offered to second year students and above (including graduate students) completing experience-based work (an internship, volunteer placement, or job) during the fall semester. NOTE: Students must have experience-based work in place and complete the required pre-registration form prior to registering for this course. Experience-based work should begin by the end of the first week of ccalss. Please see SLC EmbeddEd on MySLC for more information including how to register for SLC EmbeddEd courses, info session dates/recordings, FAQ for students, and resources for finding experience-based work. Students are advised to begin looking for experience-based work opportunities 3-6 months before the fall semester, when possible.
Over the semester, students explore the process of building a professional identity through reading assignments, class discussions, experience-based observations, small group work, workshops, events, panels and engagement with peers and alumni. Topics include imposter phenomenon; diversity equity and inclusion; workplace communication; online branding; professional networking; mentorship and mentoring; work-life balance; and strategies to support wellbeing. Students are encouraged to engage in observation journals, experiential activities, and collaborative group work. Assignments include weekly homework, an alumni podcast recording and a professional profile bio. The goal is for students to integrate class material with experience-based observations, engage with campus resources and develop a community of peer and alumni support - which students may utilize this semester and beyond.
SLC EmbeddEd courses are graded pass/fail and meet remotely via Zoom on Wednesday evenings. Students have the option to enroll for 3 or 5 credits. (NOTE: Each credit option has its own course number; the credit option you select during registration, or the add/drop period, will be the credit option you will complete or attempt for the semester.) Students have the option to enroll in each course a second time, as a returning student, with an emphasis on early career leadership and mentorship. SLC EmbeddEd courses are offered in collaboration with campus partners including Career Services; Community Partnerships and Engagement; the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; pre-professional advisors, Alumni Relations, Health + Wellness, the Dean of Well-Being, and the Learning Commons.
Info Session - Registering for Academic Credit Options with Experience-Based Work
Students who are interested in general information about academic credit options for experience-based work (including this course and directed study fieldwork) are encouraged to attend the registration week info session: Registering for Academic Credit Options with Experience-Based Work.
Mon January 13. 2024: 3pm via Zoom (see below)
Group Interviews - Foundations in Workplace Culture + Well-Being
Group interviews are intended for students interested in more information about the Fall 2023 SLC Embedded Education Practicum Course, Foundations in Workplace Culture + Well-Being. All students considering this course are encouraged to review the FAQ for Students and How to Register for SLC EmbeddEd Courses prior to the group interview.
First Round Registration Group Interviews
Tues January 14, 2024: 4-4:30pm via Zoom (Immediately following the Info Session: Registering for Academic Credit Options with Experience-Based Work)
Wed January 15, 2024: 10-10:30am via Zoom
Second Round Registration Group Interview
Friday January 17, 2024: 10-10:30am via Zoom
Zoom Info (for all group interviews and info sessions)
Meeting ID: 986 2985 1775
Passcode: 722147
Individual Interviews - Building a Professional Identity
Individual Interviews are optional and available to students interested in more information about the Fall 2023 SLC Embedded Education practicum course, Foundations in Workplace Culture + Well-Being, have specific questions about the course prior to registration week, or are not able to attend a group interview. Students are encouraged to review the FAQ for Students and How to Register for SLC EmbeddEd Courses prior to an individual interview. Individual interviews, via Zoom, can be scheduled through Calendly, during/ prior to registration week and the add/drop period. (Note: Calendly will create a unique Zoom link for each individual interview, once it is scheduled.)
PRAC-3200-W-1 SLC EmbeddEd Summer Session 2024: Navigating Workplace Communication (1 Credit, 5 Weeks)
Meets via Zoom: Mon + Wed 7-8:30pm EDT
Summer Session Dates: TBA
Pre-Registration Form Due: by June 1, 2024 (Students are encouraged to complete the required pre-registration form as soon as possible, once they have excepted an offer for a summer placement. Once you complete this form SLC EmbeddEd will send your name to the Registrar's office to complete the registration process.)
Charge for Summer Session: $1,052.50 [Note: This is the current summer rate, %50 of the current cost per credit]
NOTE: The Registrar will assist International Students seeking Curricular Practical Training (CPT) confirmation for an internship this summer, once you have registered for a practicum credit option like SLC Embedded (or directed study fieldwork).
SLC EmbeddEd Summer Session: Navigating Workplace Communication is an experience-based, Embedded Education, course offered to rising second year students and above (including graduate students) completing experience-based work (an internship, volunteer placement, or job) during the summer semester. This course is offered for one credit, meets via Zoom Mon and Wed evenings for 5 weeks mid-June - mid-July, and is graded pass-fail. Students are expected to attend both weekly class meetings, and complete weekly assignments, in addition to consistent engagement in their experience-based work. NOTE: Students must have experience-based work in place and complete the required pre-registration form in order to register for this summer session. Experience-based work placements may be in any field and must be confirmed in order to complete registration for this course. Once SLC Embedded has confirmed your placement with your supervisor, we will send your name to the Registrar's office to complete the registration process.) Experience-based work may be in any field. Please see SLC EmbeddEd on MySLC for more information including how to register for SLC EmbeddEd courses, info session dates/recordings, FAQ for students, and resources for finding experience-based work. Students are advised to begin looking for experience-based work opportunities 3-6 months before the spring semester, when possible.
This brief summer session will focus on general aspects of workplace communication, including communication styles and structures; navigating barriers to communication; receiving and giving directives; virtual communication; race/gender/ability inclusive and inter-generational communication; communicating boundaries and negotiation. Students will be invited to integrate their internship experiences through class discussion, experiential activities, collaborative group work, and observation journals. The goal is for students to gain an academic and experiential understanding of key concepts, which students may apply this semester and beyond.
SLC EmbeddEd courses are offered in collaboration with campus partners including Career Services; Community Partnerships and Engagement; the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; pre-professional advisors, Alumni Relations, Health + Wellness, the Dean of Well-Being, and the Learning Commons.
In order to receive academic credit for an experience-based work placements, the following criteria must be met:
The student must be a current second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, or graduate student. First year students are only eligible during the summer before their sophomore year.
Students receive credit for the academic experience, and not the number of hours they complete at their internship. With that said, students should complete a minimum of four hours, and a maximum of 20 hours per week (regardless of the amount of credits you are seeking). More than 20 hours may be permitted on a case by case basis.
Related work experiences (including on-campus positions) are acceptable, but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Paid internships/positions okay.
Students can do a combination of fieldwork and the practicum course in one semester so long as they do not exceed five credits, and they receive prior approval from both faculty members.
Students may intern at a family business but cannot be supervised by a family member.
Students must complete all pre-registration requirements. These are outlined for SLC EmbeddEd courses on the "How to Register" page.
The internship start date would ideally be prior to or during the registration period, and must be before the end of the or Add/Drop add period.
Whether taken as fieldwork or an SLC EmbeddEd course, these credits count toward the 20 credit maximum of directed study towards overall graduation credits.
Students must attend a required general information session prior to registering for an SLC EmbeddEd or a fieldwork course.
Blue Urbane (Business/Marketing)
Congregation Kol Ami (Human Services + Education)
Midnight Theatre (Arts, Media, + Entertainment)
Universal International Studios (Arts, Media + Entertainment)
Abbot Entertainment (Arts, Media + Entertainment)
Flix Premiere (Arts, Media + Entertainment)
Rob Zanger Rare Books (Arts, Media, + Entertainment)
Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic (Human Services + Education)
National Eating Disorders Association (Human Services + Education)
Schema Design (STEM)
Edge Theory (STEM)
Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development (STEM)
Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial, & Implant Surgery (Human Services + Education)
Community Partnerships
Westchester Jewish Community Services - Center Lane for LGBTQ+ Youth (Human Services + Education)
Hearts and Homes for Refugees (Law, Policy, and Activism)
Yonkers Public Library
Hudson River Museum
On-Campus Experiential Learning
SLC CURB - Center for Urban Research at Beczak (STEM/Human Services + Education)
ECC - Early Childhood Center (Human Services + Education)
Volunteer Work
White Plains Hospital - Physical Therapy (Human Services + Education)
Eastchester Volunteer Ambulance Corps (Human Services + Education)
Off-Campus Jobs
City Year (Human Services + Education)
Kings of Queens Basketball (Human Services + Entertainment)
Soul Cycle (Marketing)
A Sarah Lawrence College education extends beyond the classroom - into experiences such as internships, on-campus involvement, community engagement, and alumni life. Embedded within these experiences are rich opportunities for process-based learning; integrating academic knowledge with experience-based observations; applying related skills in dynamic, intersectional contexts; and building community through collaboration and shared experiences.
SLCembeddED aims to help students navigate learning opportunities that emerge through experience, within the support of a collaborative community. Through the integration of academic material, experienced-based observations, peer mentorship, on-campus collaboration and alumni engagement, SLCembeddED seeks to help students develop tools, resources, and an inclusive, collaborative community that extends across disciplines and into life beyond graduation. SLCembeddED topics include navigating communication and workplace cultures; diversity, equity, and inclusion in intersectional contexts; work-life balance.
SLCembeddED offers opportunities for academic credit, student leadership and alumni engagement, as well as, a growing archive of digital resources and campus events. Through a collection of experience-based courses, collaborative engagement, and events, SLCembeddED seeks to:
Offer students flexible opportunities to earn academic credit for experience-based learning (1, 3 and 5 credit options)
Facilitate collaboratively sourced, collective resources (podcasts and digital archives)
Build community through shared experiences
Facilitate mentorship among students and alumni
Support the transition from campus to life after college
Facilitate opportunities for alumni to contribute experience and expertise
Facilitate inclusive, intergenerational engagement with slc alumni throughout students’ undergraduate years and beyond
SLCembeddED works collaboratively with students and faculty groups; Alumni Relations; the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion; Career Services, Health and Wellness Services; the Esther Raushenbush Library in developing opportunities for students and alumni.
I have accepted an offer for an internship, volunteer position, or job for this semester, and I would like to enroll in an SLC EmbeddEd practicum course this semester.
I am interested in help finding an internship, volunteer, position or job for an upcoming or future semester.
I am an international student; can an SLC EmbeddEd course offer access to CPT?
International Students may require Curricular Practical Training (CPT) credit approval to complete an internship while studying in the U.S. The Registrar's Office, is available to advise/assist international students considering an internship and/or SLC EmbeddEd course.
For more information and the CPT application see: International Student Services CPT
SLC EmbeddEd FAQ + Info Sessions
Meghan Jablonski, PhD (she/her), Director of Embedded Education
Have questions, suggestions, or alumni recommendations for SLC Embedded Education? Please Ask Questions + Make Recommendations here.
Interested in more information or an informational class visit? Please set up a time to speak with us via Calendly.
The What Was That Like?: Conversations with Sarah Lawrence students and alumni about life after college podcast series features SLC EmbeddEd students in conversation with alumni.
SLC EmbeddEd works collaboratively across the College from on-campus office to the global alumni community in supporting students experience-based work.
Alumni Relations
914.813.9249 | alum@sarahlawrnece.edu | 45 Kraft
Whether you're looking to reconnect with old friends, network with new contacts, or stay in the loop with what's going on at the College, the Office of Alumni Relations is a valuable resource.
Career Services
914.395.2566| careerservices@sarahlawrence.edu | Bates 235
Ready to explore, define, or just begin to think about life after Sarah Lawrence? Whether it’s finding that perfect internship, getting practical information for landing the job, or just looking to explore your options, the Office of Career Services is the place to start. Meet with your career advisers to learn how they can support you on how to get started. It’s never too early to start exploring!
Community Partnerships and Engagement
914.395.2573 | partnerships@sarahlawrence.edu | Bates 220
Sarah Lawrence College has a rich history of education for social responsibility and a commitment to linking classroom learning and community-based work. Through on-site work, students can develop deep relationships with their community beyond the campus, expand their academic inquiry, learn more about their beliefs, develop skills in community organizing, assist in the mission of a local agency, and explore their ideas about what it means to be an engaged and contributing citizen. The staff of the Anita L. Stafford Community Partnerships and Engagement Service Learning Program supports and connects students and faculty interested in working for social change with agencies and organizations in Yonkers, Westchester County, and New York City.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
914.395.2573 | Diversity_Equity_Inclusion@sarahlawrence.edu | Bates 220
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office collaborates with student organizations, campuswide committees, and other administrative offices to provide programs and learning opportunities that explore issues related to social identity and equity, facilitate dialogue across difference, and promote inclusion and belonging.
Esther Raushenbush Library
914.395.2474 | reference@sarahlawrence.edu | Esther Raushenbush Library
The Esther Raushenbush Library is essential to the academic life of Sarah Lawrence College. Its diverse resources have always supported the school’s academic mission, and its congenial atmosphere and open floor plan allow for both group and independent study.
First Year Experience
914.395.2590 | fye@sarahlawrence.edu | Bates 220
The First Year Experience is a year-long series of programs and discussions with the goal of helping you thrive at Sarah Lawrence College by:
Health & Wellness Center
914.395.2350 | healthandwellness@sarahlawrence.edu | Lyles House
Sarah Lawrence Health & Wellness Center provides compassionate, informative, and confidential care for students’ medical and psychological health concerns. Appointments are available to all registered students on the Bronxville campus (UG and GR).
International Student Spaces
914.395.2505 | Shirley Be, Assistant Dean of Studies and Director of International Admission and Advising: sbe@sarahlawrence.edu | Westlands 208
The ISS provides a range of support to international undergraduate and graduate students (non-US citizens, dual citizens, and US citizens from abroad). Among other services, the adviser issues I-20 forms and assists with F-1 issues, on-campus jobs, US Social Security cards, and Curricular and Optional Practical Training. Please note that the cost to replace a lost I-20 is $50. Students are welcome to make appointments with the international student adviser.
Learning Commons
914.395.2250 | learningcommons@sarahlawrence.edu | Esther Raushenbush Library, 1st floor
The Learning Commons at Sarah Lawrence College is committed to providing comprehensive and inclusive academic support services that meet the needs of a vibrant and diverse student body. Our objective is to provide a wide range of helpful resources that will enable all students to thrive within the college’s unique pedagogical structure.
Pre-Health Program
914.395.2249 | Melinda Cohen, Associate Dean for Pre-Professional Advising: mcohen@sarahlawrence.edu | Bates 320
The Pre-Health Program in the Dean of Studies Office strives to guide and support students each step of the way as they explore and pursue a career in the health professions. Through individual advising, group advising sessions, workshops, and programming, the Pre-Health Program provides students with a rich array of academic and advising resources and support. The goal is for students to feel connected, integrated, and supported by our pre-health community of students, faculty, and staff.
Alumni-Led Workshops
Fall 2020
Mia Lardiere '14 - Online Branding
Small Group Chats
Summer 2022
Natalia Lytcowski '93
Khaliah Williams '02
Kathleen Yates '17
Podcast Guests
Alumni Panelists
Spring 2022
· Helena Sandlyng-Jacobsen '19, Assistant Literary Agent at Susanna Lea Associates
· Emma Tynan ’20, Research Team at NBC Universal
· Gina Caputo '13, Senior Business Immigration Paralegal, Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP
· Wendolyne Sabrozo '14, Associate Content Editor, Spotify
Fall 2021
· Rachel Lieberman ’10, Director, Digital/Social Content & Production at MTV
· Michelle Nigro ’15, Production and Sales Coordinator at Domino Recording Company
· Carolyn Martinez-Class ’17, Organizing & Policy Coordinator at Communities United for Police Reform
· Matt Landry-McWilliams, ’19, Humanities and Theatre Teacher at Franklin Academy CT
· Sarah Blanche Klein ’20, Assistant Buyer: YW Seasonal, Girls and Boys Apparel at Bloomingdale's
· Jordan Foster ’20, PhD Candidate at Yale University
Summer 2021
· Ali Weinstein '17, Writer's Assistant at NBC Universal
· Amit Sankaran '17, Senior Product Marketing Manager at The New York Times
· Mohamed Camara '19, Paralegal at the Federal Defenders of New York
· Emma Tynan ’20, Student at USC Law