The Pre-health Program in the Dean of Studies office strives to guide students and alumni each step of the way as they explore, prepare, and pursue a career in the health professions. Through individual advising, group advising and workshops, as well as collaboration with faculty and staff around campus, the pre-health program provides students with a rich array of academic and advising resources and support throughout the year. The goal is for each student to feel connected, integrated and supported by our pre-health community of students, faculty, and staff.

Step 1: Join the Prehealth Program {expander}

Click here to become a member. It's as simple as that! 

Step 2: Subscribe to our Program's Newsletter{expander}

Our program issues a weekly newsletter, delivered every Thursday directly to your inbox. Our newsletter serves as the primary form of communication with our prehealth community. Please be sure to read it weekly to not miss out on important information, resources, and opportunities happening on our campus, in the Westchester/NYC community, and around the country!

To subscribe to our newsletter, click here.

Check out our past newsletters  (Note: you can learn about many ongoing clinical, research, and community opportunities through our past newsletters.)


For pre-medical students: Subscribe to the AAMC's Premed Navigator to receive their monthly communication featuring important topics, resources, tips, and key dates for aspiring physicians.  

Step 3: Schedule a Pre-health Overview Session{expander}

After you complete Steps 1 & 2, either attend our program's orientation session (offered every August prior to the start of the school year) and/or schedule an advising session with Dean Melinda Perlo Cohen, pre-health advisor. Learn about our program and what it means to be on the "prehealth track," including the multitude of resources and support offered to you as a prehealth student at Sarah Lawrence. Gain key information about the academic preparation required by health professions' graduate schools. Learn about what it means to develop a rich portfolio of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and experiences to support your exploration and preparation. Finally, create a multi-year timeline to set you on the right path for pursuing a career in the health professions. 

To schedule an appointment with Dean Cohen, please visit Handshake


Step 4: Follow us on Instagram{expander}

Follow us on Instagram and stay up to date! 

Step 5: Join the Student Pre-Health Alliance of SLC{expander}

The Student Pre-Health Alliance of SLC is a student organization that focuses on uniting Sarah Lawrence students pursuing a career in the health professions. The club is open to those interested in the health professions or those with a curiosity about the ins and outs of the health professions industry. For more information and/or to contact the group co-chairs, click here

Make the Most of Your Summer: Begin Exploring Now{expander}

As the days get chillier and we start yearning for summer weather, late fall is an ideal time to begin researching summer programs geared for undergraduate students exploring and pursuing a career in the health professions. 

We recognize this process can be overwhelming, so to help aid in your search, check out our Summer Opportunities page! 

Summer 2025 Opportunities Guide

Committee Letter of Evaluation: Cycle 2025-2026{expander}

Cycle 2025-2026 Committee Letter of Evaluation opens October 24, 2024

Cycle 2025-2026 (matriculation year 2026) applicants should click here to access the Cycle 2025 site, which contains information, resources and application materials for the Cycle 2025-2026 Committee Letter of Evaluation application process, and application to medical/dental programs.

If you are unable to access this site, but have declared your intent to participate in Cycle 2025 Committee Letter of Evaluation, please contact Dean Melinda Perlo Cohen at 

Please CLICK HERE to learn more about the Letter of Evaluation process and to Declare Your Intent.


On this Site:

Schedule an advising appointment

Appointments typically available *Mondays through Fridays 10am-4pm

*Please contact Dean Cohen directly if you need an appointment outside of these business hours. 

Melinda Perlo Cohen, Program Director & Prehealth Advisor
Phone: (914) 323-6005


Office: Bates 3rd Floor, Prehealth Community Space (Bates 320) 

Schedule an Advising Appointment with Dean Cohen