
Course Information

First-Year Studies: Image, Sound,and Time (FILM 1003 F)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall


Jazmin Lopez
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Tue, 3:05 PM - 6:05 PM (9/2/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 211


This is a course in which you will conceive a short film from its very basis to the final completion. In the first half of the year, we will explore a creative and deep examination of the foundations and processes of writing with images and sounds. The course provides a path to a certain type of sensitivity that helps writers create not just the screenplay for the course but also all of their screenplays to follow. What are the fundamental skills you need for writing a film? What is the time of observation that we need to do in order to be able to translate it into words? The script is a descriptive representation of the images and sounds that the writer has created in his or her imagination—beginning with the construction of an image that nests a story and exploring its possible forms and shapes, imagining characters from the inside outward, and then situating them in the image to let them grow. In the second part of the year, we will be exploring all of the areas of staging and style