
Course Information

From Collage to Painting (ARTS 3071 R)

Term: 2023-24 Academic Year Spring


Ms. Yevgeniya Baras
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Wed, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (1/24/2024 - 5/7/2024) Location: SLC HEIM 203


This is a two-credit class in which we will explore the process of collage as a method for creating dynamic compositions. Collage is a way to communicate complex emotions, layered ideas, non-linear stories. We will be learning different techniques of collage, using found materials, photographs, and craft supplies. Collage in this class will be utilized as a preparation toward making a series of paintings but will also become a part of paintings. At the core of this class is openness to material experimentation, interest in learning how to communicate through paint as well as nontraditional painting materials, and learning about other artists who have used collage and assemblage in their work. The class follows a series of prompts or visual problems that are posed by the instructor. By the end of the course, a series of works will be produced. Each student will investigate topics of interest to them through methods of collage and painting. Some of the visual materials we will reference